Saturday, October 1, 2011

Hellhoney - Nicolina Transformed In-Depth Design Sketch

Okay, Meshia, here you go! A more in-depth look at Nicolina's costume:

Her head's a little too small here. Ehhh. At least this is focusing on the costume. The color scheme is metallic gold and black. The fin/peacock looking things above her skirt are make of a shiny gold-foil like material. The middle of her bodice is made of the same material. The fluffies inside her folded down collar is white with gold sparkles, while the folded down collar itself is white. (The cape-like collar is still gold, though.)

Her skirt is a transparent black, with ragged edges. It gets more transparent toward the bottom, but is practically solid toward the top. Black and gold diamond-printed bike-style shorts are underneath. Her hoof-style boots are similar to some sandals, as her big toe is separated from the rest of her toes.

The "6" necklace and her silly tail are both red, as are her eyes in this form.

Let me know if there are any questions... I'm not sure if this is any easier to decipher from the original sketch, haha.