Aaaaa, it's already November?!! (Actually, it's the 27th of October, Kuduu's birthday -she's my favorite Morning Musume-, and I'm typing this up in advance since I don't think I'll be online for the first!)
Obviously my goals this month are going to be with NaNo (I was going to use "lie with", but I don't want to jinx myself!) And now I'm at the point where every project is a free-for-all in my mad rush to get as much done as possible before the end of the year!
I wish I could read faster. It's my major distraction...
And I wish my physical writing (with pen/pencil or keyboard) was as fast as my mind. I get on the computer twice (and this time, maybe once) a week and I can't seem to find the time to read, reply, type out, scan, post, and watch everything that I want to. I either have to skim or skimp (something I'm loathe to do) or just add things to my backlog... which stretches back to April in some cases! (And in the case of some shows, last year... there's no hope for them now and I should just drop them, huh?) (And my art is infamously backlogged since prehistoric times, it's so sad!)
I may not get my NaNo all typed out in time to qualify for winning, but I'm going to try very hard to fill up the rest of a large notebook with it handwritten out (I only used one of the five subjects in high school, so there's plenty of paper for 50,000 words if I write very small.) If only I could get my NaNo Prep done...
Major Projects
1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.
2.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.
3.) Minervellas - Nothing.
4.) Power Warp - Nothing.
Minor Projects
1.) Plush Owls - Nothing.
2.) Random Silly Calendar- Nothing.
3.) QT Crawlies - Nothing.
4.) Zodiac - Nothing.
5.) Random Original Art - Nothing.
6.) Mervscorn - Nothing.
7.) Birds - Nothing.
8.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.
9.) Pantheon - Nothing.
10.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.
11.) Optimizzy - Nothing.
12.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.
13.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.
14.) Playing Cards - Nothing.
15.) Hobo Story - Nothing.
16.) Tutorials - Nothing.
Carried over from last month:
Other things that should be worked on this month at high priority:
- That large list of art I want to do for Rica's novel but keep getting side-tracked on because I want it to be perfect. I had one drawn at the beginning of this year and felt bad about it and have been wallowing in shame all this time... forgive me, Rica! Of the main characters, I'm going to start at the bottom (boom! squawk!) to break the ice and work my way up to the main main characters. Then tackle minor characters. I hope this works. I just can't start at the top of the list because that's where I messed up.
- Other gift art I wanted to get done since forever. I'll need to scribble the references down since I likely won't have the computer on while drawing them!
- Boatloads of Pokemon! How about just playing some Pokemon as a reward for doing something. On my birthday, I want to play the SoulSilver I got last Christmas. I haven't opened it yet. I was so excited for it, but I wanted the mood to be perfect when playing it, because the Johto games are my favorite. It's like I'm setting up a date with this game and I don't want anything to go wrong. I want it to laaaast. Of course, playing the game will motivate me to doodle more Pokemon...
- Boatloads of Hello!Project! The videos and gifs and translations I've seen lately make me want to draw the new Morning Musume soooo bad. I love them. ;_; Seriously, the "Wakuteka Take a Chance" dance is really cool and Kudo and Sato are hilarious (not in the music video, but elsewhere.)
- That October NaNo Prep Challenge thingie from Still haven't finished this... I have to hurry!
- NaNo itself, as mentioned earlier.
- And last, but not least, the collaboration I'm working on with Meshia! I have so many ideas I need to flesh out.
- Okay, false alarm up there. This is the last, but not least... Dark Writers stuff for our launch (for serious!) in December. 8D
And I have to clean my room...! I have notebooks and sketchbooks all around and on my desk and my room needs dusting and what am I going to do?? D: Give me back January!!