Saturday, February 1, 2014

State of the Projects - February 2014

Thought it would be easier to type on the computer than on the tablet. That's only slightly true. My arms aren't long enough to reach where my computer now sits on my desk (thanks to my graphics tablet), so I have to stand to type...

So, anyways, Happy New Moon everyone. Well, it will be the first of February when you read this, but it's the new moon while I type this out 'cause I gotta work the next couple of days. Such pleasantries do not disguise the fact that I accomplished nothing art-related this month. So I told myself... well, there's always the fiscal New Year~ ... but I looked it up on Wikipedia and found that I could pretty much take my pick, because the government, different corporations/companies/economic entities, and different countries all "celebrate" the fiscal New Year at different times, so... no.

So the Lunar New Year. Thank you for being there so I don't feel all hope is lost. :D

But you only come once a year, so maybe those fiscal years will still be good back-up...

Out of eight planners, I'm still stuck on the first week of January. I guess that's a good way to measure my progress, since after cleaning my desk, I'm loathe to stack more stuff around it. See, what I did was stack aaaaall the stuff I wanted to get done in January on or around my desk. I have not completed it. I have done bits and pieces but not actually finished anything. That means reading books and magazines, too. The only thing I finished was cleaning my desk and I'm not completely satisfied with that job either. Because there's so much stuff still stacked around it. So, before I take out the stuff I wanted to get done in February, I'm going to finish the stuff I wanted to complete in January. I just hope I'm not still on January in December, like I've been for the past three-four years (I started making these planners after I graduated college.)

This is a sign that I schedule too much stuff for me to do, but it was the only way to divide EVERYTHING I wanted to do in one year's time, and then each year I kept coming up with more stuff I wanted to get done, and bought or received more art supplies that I wanted to use. Or books that I wanted to read. Or notebooks that I wanted to write in. Or games that I wanted to play. Heck, I'm even behind on cuddling my stuffed animals. I better go get on that.

Well, I don't really deserve an allowance this month since I failed miserably. So I allowed myself ten bucks on myself... on a plush T-Rex. I mean, at least I have a job, I should be proud of that, right? Kinda bummed out, though, that I didn't reach my goal that would have allowed myself to spend fifty dollars on myself (or more, if I sold art work.) I really wanted to buy some Morning Musume albums for myself. But this is motivation to work harder next month, right? And at least the money I would've spent on my hobby is being spent on my family's bills, so that's not a bad trade-off at all.

Okie dokie, see ya next week. I'll be taking pictures of my sketches and WIPs and posting them here. I won't even bother scanning until I have a sizable collection of inked or colored drawings to post. So that explains my lack of presence on dA. Okay, see ya later.