The Cupid

The wavy haired man-child. The jokester of the "good" guys group. The potential for slash pairings of my characters (I'm referring to his power, though I suppose he's fair game to any that want to slash him, too.)

I wasn't going to put him a diaper or have him go naked like cupids/cherubs in myths and art. That would be going a bit too far if I ever want to sell copies of my comic (at least, outside the Captain Underpants crowd...) So instead he gets to look like a ranger/elf-class warrior wearing Valentine's Day colors. Like the Werelamb, his powers are terrible when it comes to offense. But I guess filling people with love makes sense for a "good" guy that battles evil demi-monsters. He might be a closet-pervert, too.
The next "good" guy is more of Nicolina's direct opposite...