Well, that took a while. I kept going to bed figuring it was too late to make a blog post. But it's nearly 3 AM here, so here we go! Also, I might just make these posts every other day so I don't have to turn on my computer every day. There's freedom and also I work on a bigger variety of projects when my computer is off.
The Werelamb
One of the "good" guys, the opponents of the demon team early on. Lambs are a symbol of innocence, but maybe there's a pun in there, too?
He makes a pretty terrible superhero/villain, huh? The Griffin likes to refer to him as Lambchops, and everyone calls him Fluffy, usually. He seriously has no physical fighting ability. He can be compared to The Comfy Chair:
The next "good" guy is just as lame, but less incompetent!
Is he used as a torture device like the Comfy Chair? 8D Since he can't fight 'n all.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to imagine him walking around in that outfit and it's making me giggle.
I love his hair. >.> *shaves it off to use for sleeping*
He very well could. He's very good at pooping parties and killing moments at least.
ReplyDeleteHE IS NOT AMUSED. (But I'm giggling also. >:3 )
Oh no, you took away his "disguise!"