Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hellhoney - The Mermaid Character Design Sketches

I just finished finished watching S/mileage's Live Concert on YouTube. I've been up since 8:30 am Saturday, but I still stayed up till now (6:30 am Sunday) just to watch the whole concert. <3 It was good! And very happy~ Kanyon was her usual silly self, though I was a bit worried for her for awhile. She looked like the dancing was exerting her more than usual and her voice was cracking. ;_; Oh, and Vampire Girl (Meimei) was super cute! Proudly show your fangs, girl! Probably anyone reading this blog has no idea what I'm talking about. So from now I'll put idol-related posts (including sketches and WIPs) on my idol blog, haha. Now back to finishing up the Hellhoney sketch series! The Mermaid

She's the cute and pretty "good" guy and probably the only real personality (besides the cupid) in that group. She's kind of mischievous, so she could actually fit in with the main characters if they could convert her...

Oh, and I had fun with her hair! It's a bit inspired by how I keep my bangs out of my eyes when they get too long, haha.

She uses her seaweed lasso and tail as weapons (but don't worry, she doesn't sound like a hick, hurrr.) I need to figure out a way to allow her to attack in water in my storylines, even though it would be entertaining to draw her flopping about. But really, I shouldn't have such pathetic antagonists!

One more character left and then one page of supporting characters left from my batch Hellhoney sketches~ The next character shouldn't be hard to guess actually if you know me...


  1. Ah, funny that you say the hair is based on yours. When I first saw her face, it reminded me of you. 8D Similar eye shape, I think.

    (Hey! Nothing wrong with sounding like a hick!)

    Did your stomach tighten while drawing those scales? Aren't they FUN?

    She has such a "pretty" weapon. *pets a toxic flower, then barfs*

    Flopping fish can still be dangerous, and they can annoy people who are trying to hold them. So maybe she can be a nice distraction for the baddies. XD Especially if that tail is "very powerful."

  2. *compares eyes* You may have a point. O: Her face overall reminds me of one of my friends in middle school, though. ^^

    Heehee~ Maybe another character can have such an accent, then (just not a stupid-sounding hick.) I imagine the mermaid sounding Italian or having some other Mediterranean-ish accent.

    Oh gosh, THOSE SCALES. I was going to half-ass it (in sketch standards at least) so I could draw other stuff, but somehow saw it through to the end. It will be fun *haha* when she appears in the comic and I have to INK it. XD

    *washes barf off you with tidal wave* You're lucky you didn't touch the temporary-paralysis one. And you may or may not be lucky you didn't touch the hallucination one!

    I can send my characters on a fishing trip! 8D (That would be disturbing if they actually tried to hold her down and fillet her... :3 )
