Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sketchbook - Pluto and Neptune

Ever since the Sailor Moon remake announcement, I've been excited about the summer. I'll be able to experience Sailor Moon all over again. Brand new, from the beginning. I can't wait! (Though technically I can wait, since I've been busy and haven't even finished watching simulcasts from the beginning of this year.)

Whenever I get in a mood like this, I really want to draw my obsession. Sometimes, unchecked, this goes too far (like The Great Death Note Obsession of 2007.) But I have a small series of the main Sailor Scouts/Senshi planned. They'll be inked, but I'm not sure about color at this point. I'll do one a month as a countdown to tide me over until the premier next year. I just really want to draw these girls I drew so much in sixth and seventh grade. I drew men as Sailor Scouts as a parody last year, but that wasn't enough to quench my desires, haha.

Note, these are just sketches to have fun. I want to use better poses for the final drawings. And I probably messed up on some outfit details since I drew from memory. Please forgive my errors!

Sailor Pluto. She was too mysterious to be a favorite of mine, but I'm still determined to show her gorgeous side. But maybe I'll still use this cute face in the final?

Sailor Neptune. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to make her so scary.

These are my two least favorite Senshi (#10 and #9.) Who are my #8 and #7? The countdown continues later!


  1. For being drawn from memory, these are pretty good. Pretty hair!
    Will you be doing anime Pluto or manga version? Just asking, since manga!Pluto has a neat key belt. DETAIL. 8D
    Keep the cute face. There are too many srs!Pluto pics anyway and having this face will make it "yours," if that makes sense.

    BAHAHAHA, Neptune doesn't look scary. She seems more stoned. :P Or she drank too much sea water.

    It's interesting that Pluto is your least fave. She's my second, Saturn being my first. They're probably the dullest, but damn, their power realms are killer (quite literally). Plus, their outfits and weapons are sexy.

    I'm curious to see what the anime looks like too. I'm not quite as excited as some, since I'm more into real life shows these days (how dull of me), but yay for SM!

    1. I was going to do anime Pluto, but if her manga version looks better, I'll look for references to that instead (there should be some good views of that outfit in volumes 11 and 15, I imagine? I still have random old volumes instead of upgrading to the reprints. ;_; ) And the cute face will stay! ^^

      I tried to make Neptune serious... but yup, you summed up her looks exactly. XD

      If I superficially ranked them, they'd be higher, but I'm so big on personality on characters. You'll get to see my Saturn sketch really soon, which isn't a good sign for her rank, but good for you since you'll get to see her? 8D

      ... remember the real-life Sailor Moon? That was a girly Power Rangers? (I wish they'd release that over here.)
