Saturday, December 1, 2012

State of the Projects - December 2012

December already. I can't even kid myself anymore... not even ten percent of that to-do list is going to be done by the end of this year. I guess if I posted my to-do list, I wouldn't look as much of a failure. There were thousands of drawings and comic pages on it. Any sane person who saw it would have taken me aside and said, "Tori, this is more than a human could do in a year. The daily goals are all unrealistic. Heck, even if you stayed in your room all year long and didn't need food or sleep or the bathroom, you probably wouldn't be able to finish it all. You're just one person."

And it wasn't just drawings or writing projects on that to-do list. I even outlined my entertainment, from what books I'd read to what shows I'd watch to what video games I'd play. I didn't make much of a dent in those lists either.

Now I'm planning on doing it all over again.

Scratch out 2012 and make it 2013. But I already made a 2013 to-do list... so I'll be working from two to-do lists next year. At least my 2013 list isn't as big as my 2012 list! (I sort of learned my lesson...) (And that makes no sense because I'm combining the two...)

Yes, I'm stubborn. But I don't think 2013 will be the year I pass out from exhaustion. Rather, I hope it serves the purpose 2012 was meant to serve: see what sticks. I didn't get enough variety out this year to see what concepts interest people and what concepts aren't worth progressing further. That was why I had the changing priority list (I still never assigned points to each project. There wasn't enough posted stuff to compete. I guess QT Crawlies won?)

So next year! No point in writing the list out this month. All I did this month was work on my NaNo, a collaboration with a friend, and a commission. (And I watched the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and fell in love with Donatello, gaaah, the cuteee...!!) And raked lots of leaves. And had stresses and scares. And played a little bit of Pokemon SoulSilver, which I finally started on my birthday (yay, recently I beat the first gym!)

Next year I'll have the same list, but with one new main project (this year's NaNo-related projects) and at least one new minor project (a fun coloring book concept that came to me while coloring earlier.) I'll also include the collaboration projects, my fan-art, and my sketchbook to the list. They won't have priority numbers since the first is a high priority and the other two are whatever. But it will give me a sense of accomplishment (or failure) if I list them, too.

And like this year, I probably won't be doing a whole lot of coloring (at least not digitally), but I'm going to try to color one well-liked lineart from my dA gallery a week so I won't fall out of practice for when I do get a new computer (and hopefully new Wacom, too!)

Okay, okay, before you leave shaking your head at my lack of accomplishment again... I'm still going to try to finish some things this month. I want to jump easily into 2013, and here's my unfinished business of 2012:

1.) The Dark Writers blog will become active starting this month (active as in... people posting stuff!) Rica's turn is first, mine will be the second week. Please check it out!

2.) Illustrations for Rica! I'll get the first batch to you soon! (I know I said this last month...) That way I can start inking stuff in 2013!

3. Collaboration with Meshia! Hopefully we will get all the details ironed out this month so we can work on the collaboration proper in 2013!

4.) Work more on the NaNo! (Alas, I didn't finish this year. Again. Not even close.)

5.) Clean my room! The stack of sketchbooks and notebooks has become more of a detriment than an aid now.

6.) Finish filling out the details of my super to-do list!


That's the main stuff, but I'll have more... see you next year!


  1. Oh hell, I forgot all about the blog. Well I'm not late yet, so... *breaths deeply and counts to ten*

    Don't worry about not getting anything done. You remember November was supposed to be my month to get the novel finished, then December for giving it a once over before I gave it to my editor in January... I FRACTURED MY BACK ON THE LAST DAY OF OCTOBER. I have gotten NOTHING done since. Now I have to rush rush rush to try and meet the deadline I set for myself, even though my editing team would be forgiving - I kind of don't want them to be or else I'll just keep being lazy.

    So I'm not judging anyone else's accomplishments. I don't have any right now.

    1. It's okay! There's always January, since it's a good time for beginnings anyway! ^^ I have my post scheduled, though! I hope it cheers you up! 8D

      And OMG ARE YOU ALRIGHT? I mean, you were able to post so hopefully that means you aren't still lying in a hospital bed, but are you going to be okay? I wish I was there. ;_; But then I might try to hug you upon seeing you safe. I hugged someone recently in a hospital. They screamed at me. D:

  2. If you want to put the comic lower on the list, feel free. I honestly feel like I'm being the slacker with this project, while you've put lots of ideas into it. D: Must pull my weight too, especially since I started the dang thing. 8D

    BUT: I've done the sketches for Gera's and Pan's cameos. I'll let you see them before I start on the "official" versions. I hope you like 'em. <3
    The Doctor, Benny, and Jade are giving me trouble though. Can't figure out what to put on their borders, not to mention the lack of side-view profile pics that I can reference. (Well, Benny's fine, but the other two...)

    I'll keep on top of ya so you can work on the other stuff. :3 And if ever need to call, feel free. (In the evening, since I may be working during the day)
    And I hope to give you more commishes at some point! :P

    1. It can't go lower, because it's a fixed point and only my projects are variable! 8D And I'm slacking, too. I was supposed to have those summaries how long ago? D:

      You can pause DVDs for the Doctor. For Jade, you can invent a cute nose for her since there's a lack of material to work from. An hourglass for the Doctor, pointy things and blood for Benny, and skulls for Jade?

      Yay!! :D
