Sunday, March 1, 2015

State of the Projects - March 2015

Segment #1

Reading... 39%
Drawing... 11%
Other... 7%
Internet... 78%
Games... 3%
Total... 27.6%

While having dramatic increases in certain areas (hello, 11 sketches), the overall percentage only climbed by a little over 5.5%... not good for a month's worth of work. True, I was fighting getting sick most of the month (and ultimately failing, resulting in my first doctor visit since 2008, or over six years ago. ) I haven't counted my Rosetta Stone lessons or blog reading since the first two weeks either. But I'm still disappointed in myself. I want to earn my CDs!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

State of the Projects - February 2015


Previous month... 0%

This month...

Segment #1

Reading... 28%
Drawing... 0%
Other... 1%
Internet... 78%
Games... 3%
Overall... 22%

Yup, this is going to take awhile. I can see what I've been avoiding. But it's only a matter of time before I'm boxed in and have no escape media to turn to.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

State of the Projects - January 2015

Long time, no see. I stopped updating because there was hardly anything to report on. But this year I'm being a bit more laid back and I'm going to report progress another way. This will still be a blog showcasing my sketches and illustrations, but for this monthly corner I'm going to just give percentages of segments (further split into categories of Reading, Drawing, Internet, Other, and Games) each month.

I was originally going to still hold myself to my old to-do lists, but only conquering a month every three months. But I really need to trash those old lists and use date-less to-do lists (like lists of illustration prompts) as projects to choose from. And though I'm labeling my segments as weeks, perhaps I should label them from now on as segments to reduce confusion (and pressure on myself). Cause I don't go onto another until I finish one!

See you in February! (Well, for the progress check. I should have a few posts of sketches and WIPs by then!)