Saturday, December 1, 2012

State of the Projects - December 2012

December already. I can't even kid myself anymore... not even ten percent of that to-do list is going to be done by the end of this year. I guess if I posted my to-do list, I wouldn't look as much of a failure. There were thousands of drawings and comic pages on it. Any sane person who saw it would have taken me aside and said, "Tori, this is more than a human could do in a year. The daily goals are all unrealistic. Heck, even if you stayed in your room all year long and didn't need food or sleep or the bathroom, you probably wouldn't be able to finish it all. You're just one person."

And it wasn't just drawings or writing projects on that to-do list. I even outlined my entertainment, from what books I'd read to what shows I'd watch to what video games I'd play. I didn't make much of a dent in those lists either.

Now I'm planning on doing it all over again.

Scratch out 2012 and make it 2013. But I already made a 2013 to-do list... so I'll be working from two to-do lists next year. At least my 2013 list isn't as big as my 2012 list! (I sort of learned my lesson...) (And that makes no sense because I'm combining the two...)

Yes, I'm stubborn. But I don't think 2013 will be the year I pass out from exhaustion. Rather, I hope it serves the purpose 2012 was meant to serve: see what sticks. I didn't get enough variety out this year to see what concepts interest people and what concepts aren't worth progressing further. That was why I had the changing priority list (I still never assigned points to each project. There wasn't enough posted stuff to compete. I guess QT Crawlies won?)

So next year! No point in writing the list out this month. All I did this month was work on my NaNo, a collaboration with a friend, and a commission. (And I watched the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and fell in love with Donatello, gaaah, the cuteee...!!) And raked lots of leaves. And had stresses and scares. And played a little bit of Pokemon SoulSilver, which I finally started on my birthday (yay, recently I beat the first gym!)

Next year I'll have the same list, but with one new main project (this year's NaNo-related projects) and at least one new minor project (a fun coloring book concept that came to me while coloring earlier.) I'll also include the collaboration projects, my fan-art, and my sketchbook to the list. They won't have priority numbers since the first is a high priority and the other two are whatever. But it will give me a sense of accomplishment (or failure) if I list them, too.

And like this year, I probably won't be doing a whole lot of coloring (at least not digitally), but I'm going to try to color one well-liked lineart from my dA gallery a week so I won't fall out of practice for when I do get a new computer (and hopefully new Wacom, too!)

Okay, okay, before you leave shaking your head at my lack of accomplishment again... I'm still going to try to finish some things this month. I want to jump easily into 2013, and here's my unfinished business of 2012:

1.) The Dark Writers blog will become active starting this month (active as in... people posting stuff!) Rica's turn is first, mine will be the second week. Please check it out!

2.) Illustrations for Rica! I'll get the first batch to you soon! (I know I said this last month...) That way I can start inking stuff in 2013!

3. Collaboration with Meshia! Hopefully we will get all the details ironed out this month so we can work on the collaboration proper in 2013!

4.) Work more on the NaNo! (Alas, I didn't finish this year. Again. Not even close.)

5.) Clean my room! The stack of sketchbooks and notebooks has become more of a detriment than an aid now.

6.) Finish filling out the details of my super to-do list!


That's the main stuff, but I'll have more... see you next year!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

State of the Projects - November 2012

Aaaaa, it's already November?!! (Actually, it's the 27th of October, Kuduu's birthday -she's my favorite Morning Musume-, and I'm typing this up in advance since I don't think I'll be online for the first!)

Obviously my goals this month are going to be with NaNo (I was going to use "lie with", but I don't want to jinx myself!) And now I'm at the point where every project is a free-for-all in my mad rush to get as much done as possible before the end of the year!

I wish I could read faster. It's my major distraction...

And I wish my physical writing (with pen/pencil or keyboard) was as fast as my mind. I get on the computer twice (and this time, maybe once) a week and I can't seem to find the time to read, reply, type out, scan, post, and watch everything that I want to. I either have to skim or skimp (something I'm loathe to do) or just add things to my backlog... which stretches back to April in some cases! (And in the case of some shows, last year... there's no hope for them now and I should just drop them, huh?) (And my art is infamously backlogged since prehistoric times, it's so sad!)

I may not get my NaNo all typed out in time to qualify for winning, but I'm going to try very hard to fill up the rest of a large notebook with it handwritten out (I only used one of the five subjects in high school, so there's plenty of paper for 50,000 words if I write very small.) If only I could get my NaNo Prep done...

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.
2.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.
3.) Minervellas - Nothing.
4.) Power Warp - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) Plush Owls - Nothing.
2.) Random Silly Calendar- Nothing.
3.) QT Crawlies - Nothing.
4.) Zodiac - Nothing.
5.) Random Original Art - Nothing.
6.) Mervscorn - Nothing.
7.) Birds - Nothing.
8.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.
9.) Pantheon - Nothing.
10.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.
11.) Optimizzy - Nothing.
12.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.
13.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.
14.) Playing Cards - Nothing.
15.) Hobo Story - Nothing.
16.) Tutorials - Nothing.

Carried over from last month:

Other things that should be worked on this month at high priority:

- That large list of art I want to do for Rica's novel but keep getting side-tracked on because I want it to be perfect. I had one drawn at the beginning of this year and felt bad about it and have been wallowing in shame all this time... forgive me, Rica! Of the main characters, I'm going to start at the bottom (boom! squawk!) to break the ice and work my way up to the main main characters. Then tackle minor characters. I hope this works. I just can't start at the top of the list because that's where I messed up.

- Other gift art I wanted to get done since forever. I'll need to scribble the references down since I likely won't have the computer on while drawing them!

- Boatloads of Pokemon! How about just playing some Pokemon as a reward for doing something. On my birthday, I want to play the SoulSilver I got last Christmas. I haven't opened it yet. I was so excited for it, but I wanted the mood to be perfect when playing it, because the Johto games are my favorite. It's like I'm setting up a date with this game and I don't want anything to go wrong. I want it to laaaast. Of course, playing the game will motivate me to doodle more Pokemon...

- Boatloads of Hello!Project! The videos and gifs and translations I've seen lately make me want to draw the new Morning Musume soooo bad. I love them. ;_; Seriously, the "Wakuteka Take a Chance" dance is really cool and Kudo and Sato are hilarious (not in the music video, but elsewhere.)

- That October NaNo Prep Challenge thingie from Still haven't finished this... I have to hurry!

- NaNo itself, as mentioned earlier.

- And last, but not least, the collaboration I'm working on with Meshia! I have so many ideas I need to flesh out.

- Okay, false alarm up there. This is the last, but not least... Dark Writers stuff for our launch (for serious!) in December. 8D

And I have to clean my room...! I have notebooks and sketchbooks all around and on my desk and my room needs dusting and what am I going to do?? D: Give me back January!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Sketchbook - Plague and War

I wanted some second-tier villains in Hellhoney (a middle ground before the "final boss"), so I decided to make Nicolina's sister and sister's friends into the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Plague. Her germs create zombies.

War. Her acne burns.

The next two won't be so large, but for some reason I like drawing these curves. And for villains, I can exaggerate more. Skinny exaggeration is limited by a skeleton, but with these girls... wow, if I don't exert some self control, they might be several tons by the time I finish the comic.

Sketchbook - Walrus and Puffin

Some more mermaids. I was going to have more humanized plush sketches, but I don't feel like getting out my scanner.

The Walrus. She's really silly and likes to make a lot of noise! I think she turned out cute.

The Puffin. She may look like a spunky-type character, but she's just as ditsy as real puffins.

The bird-maids turn out so weird. Wait till you see the duck.

Monday, October 1, 2012

State of the Projects - October 2012

Nothing new here. Moving on.

Okay, I have high standards for myself and this past seventy-five percent of the year has piled a mountain of frustration on me. And this pencil I've been writing with must not be graphite because it has horrible cleavage and barely shows up but I still wish to use it up because I'm economical like that. Grr.

I did get posts done each week, including a Dark Writers one this month. Accomplishment. I have a lot of plans for my NaNo and a couple pages of notes. Accomplishment. I'm beginning to hate tumblr. Am I doing it right? I've got a plan for getting back on track. I'm stubborn and I'l probably fail again, but we'll see. Sketches. Woo?

I still am trying to finish Toilet Spawn, my Plush art, and the Silly Calendar. I'll have to make it up this month since the last weeks of September didn't work out so well.

But this month's focus is Hellhoney. And for the first half, QT Crawlies and Zodiac. For the second half, uncategorized original art and Mervscorn.

And for other things (like fanart plans), I have a month a week at this point.

I am insane.

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.
2.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.
3.) Minervellas - Nothing.
4.) Power Warp - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) Plush Owls - Nothing.
2.) Random Silly Calendar- Nothing.
3.) QT Crawlies - Nothing.
4.) Zodiac - Nothing.
5.) Random Original Art - Nothing.
6.) Mervscorn - Nothing.
7.) Birds - Nothing.
8.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.
9.) Pantheon - Nothing.
10.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.
11.) Optimizzy - Nothing.
12.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.
13.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.
14.) Playing Cards - Nothing.
15.) Hobo Story - Nothing.
16.) Tutorials - Nothing.

Other things that should be worked on this month at high priority:

- That large list of art I want to do for Rica's novel but keep getting side-tracked on because I want it to be perfect. I had one drawn at the beginning of this year and felt bad about it and have been wallowing in shame all this time... forgive me, Rica!

- Other gift art I wanted to get done since forever.

- Boatloads of Pokemon!

- Boatloads of Hello!Project! (Does anyone care besides me, lol?)

- That October NaNo Prep Challenge thingie from

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Sketchbook - Dolphin and Shark

Mermaid time again!! Don't worry, it will be a little while before I run out of them (for this year, at least.)

The Dolphin! She's sporty, but chatty. And loves fish, obviously. I particularly like her design. If I could make a doll of her and go back in time and give it to my four-year-old self, the doll would be a close friend. She just looks cool to be around.

The Shark! More sharp teeth and fun with grumpy faces and muscles. Though sharks aren't really angry beings, but rather unemotional-seeming, right? (Eating machines.) That would actually make her more scary, hmm...

But a mermaid needs a human touch, so I guess her face is all right.

Sketchbook - Foagie and Irma

I'm going to have sketches of my owl family (human style) pretty regularly now (like when most weeks I posted QT Crawlies.) 

I'm taking Meshia's advice and thinking of each series as an assignment. So I'll be trying to catch up on a major project a month, a bigger minor project and a smaller minor project every two weeks, and then divide up the rest of my fanart and other tasks to get back on track. For the rest of this month I'll be working on Toilet Spawn, Plush-related art, and the Silly Calendar. I'm just trying to get them drawn. I'll worry about inking later. Coloring even later. Things that I want to digitally color, even later still.

But before I can illustrate my owls, I have to finish sketches of them, so here's a couple!

Grandpa Foagie. A grumpy, scary, but classy man. Not as derpy-looking as the old style, I hope!

Grandma Irma. I think I should have made her larger and more huggable, but her plush avatar was staring at me, so she turned out more like this. I'm a bit conflicted whether I should change her or not.

... Please stop looking at me like that, Grandma Irma!

I mean, I always think of her as a rocking chair or comfy chair type grandma. But I also have a hard time picturing her as particularly old looking. She carries her age well.

Oh wow, here I am debating on the human appearance of one of my plush owls.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sketchbook - Dugong and Crab

Iiiiiiit's Mermaid Time!

The dugong. Along with manatees, they inspired the old mermaid tales, so I had to have one of the sea cows represented among my mermaids. (And Meshia is going to draw a manatee mermaid, so I didn't want to copy her.) She's the motherly one among the mermaids.

The crab. She's belligerent, rude, always grumpy and sharp-tongued, and tastes great with butter.

Except I prefer to eat my seafood plain without any butter or sauces because I'm hardcore like that.

Sketchbook - Jupiter and Saturn

This week, I have sketches of my eighth and seventh favorite Sailor Senshi.

Sailor Jupiter! She should have been one of my favorites, being a tomboy and having the green image color. But she ended up too girly and dull (girly is all right if the character is interesting, but girly and too down to earth? Not my type. I like silly and/or sharp characters.) But at least her character isn't a mystery or annoying, so that is why she ranks eighth.

When I draw her for the fanart series, I intend to make her look more powerful, as she's the muscular Senshi.

Sailor Saturn. She's so cute and exotic! But soft-spoken characters usually aren't very interesting unless they are secretly diabolical. And well, she usually isn't. But still so cute and fun to draw!

I have an MC (or MM) for the next installment of this series.

Friday, September 14, 2012

WIP - Lilith and Sayu

This week we have a mother/daughter combo of the owl family. They share similar names, which wasn't originally intended, but just seemed to fit and work out that way.

Lilith. I imagine her being a proper Victorian lady. ("I am not amused.") With a cute, baby face. And large breastmeat.

Sayu-Lily is a spoiled little princess with a mischievous side. She's also a crybaby when she doesn't get her way. Even though I imagine her older than the hootlets (probably because she was my first owl), her human form looks younger than them. I don't know how that works out, but it does.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sketchbook - Turtle and Seal

It's about time I got back to the mermaids!

The Sea Turtle. What would you think if this popped up in front of you? I should have made the shell blend in with her skin more since sea turtles cannot hide in their shells. If you haven't guessed yet, her "character" is painfully shy, but maybe I can spice that up a bit. (Not "maybe", I mean. I really should. For... feminism! ... )

The Seal. Actually, a furred, baby Harp Seal (except she's not a baby, obviously.) The seal is friendly, naive, cuddly, and curious. Even the mean characters think she's adorable.

I still have quite a few mermaids left, so they'll be coming over the next several weeks!

Sketchbook - Evil Versus Cute

The following aren't related to any of my current projects. It's actually closer in intent to the ogre catharsis section of my sketchbook, because the feelings were similar. See, some very specific things were pissing me off. So I anthropomorphized their caricatures.

But after showing the picture to someone and explaining what the caricatures were of, I was asked if I wanted to get sued. Even though these were parodies and based on things and not people, I was told that the people in charge of those things have powerful lawyers and I could be in deep financial trouble whether I won or not. Which only made me angrier at the things (and now their owners) even more. But I blocked out every reference to what these gruesome guys represent.

America: the land of the free. (If you have a billion dollars.)

Originally, I thought of a super team of foils that would be made of beautiful women. They would be the heroes against the mean things/guys. The lawyer remark was made before I started sketching them, so they lack the identifying characteristics I originally planned for them. Only one of them somewhat resembles my original idea. They ended up looking like they would make a fun K-Pop group, though, hehe. (Wow, the heels on the far right lady are so messed up no matter how many times I tried to fix them.)

Friday, September 7, 2012

WIP - Foagie and Micki

This week's owl family drawings are magical! Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this last time, but the shadows on the pages are from the spirals on the drawing pad. I was stupid and didn't use extra paper to flatten the pad of paper when I scanned them in.

Grandpa Foagie. His role and personality is a parody and in-joke. The in-joke being when I first received him on Christmas, my mom said, "And who's he supposed to be? The Grandpa?" Can you guess who (hoo?) he is a parody of? Hint: Lilith is his daughter. Lilith's name is a hint, even though I named her before I even received Foagie, so the connection was unintentional.

Sensitive cutie Micki should be a bit chubbier. Ad have a more delicate expression on his face. But I'm definitely keeping the ice-skating theme in the redraw. It's so fancy and totally fits him.

More next week? Let's hope!

WIP - Toni and Napoleon Valentines

The other two Valentines that I didn't finish!

Toni is already there as far as date-appropriate attire goes. But I want to improve her pose. Maybe make it a waist up portrait so the viewer can actually imagine walking beside her.

Why. Why did I draw this. I'm starting to understand why I never finished or posted these drawings before: I was ashamed. Yes, I was going for a silly theme. Yes, Napoleon is a dork. He's not successful with the women he flirts with, mainly because he has horrible sense when it comes to choosing what girls to flirt with (like the kind not interested in boys.) But wow, this is pathetic.

With any luck (in both computer health and time) I'll have some recent Power Warp drawings to show you next week!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sketchbook - Pluto and Neptune

Ever since the Sailor Moon remake announcement, I've been excited about the summer. I'll be able to experience Sailor Moon all over again. Brand new, from the beginning. I can't wait! (Though technically I can wait, since I've been busy and haven't even finished watching simulcasts from the beginning of this year.)

Whenever I get in a mood like this, I really want to draw my obsession. Sometimes, unchecked, this goes too far (like The Great Death Note Obsession of 2007.) But I have a small series of the main Sailor Scouts/Senshi planned. They'll be inked, but I'm not sure about color at this point. I'll do one a month as a countdown to tide me over until the premier next year. I just really want to draw these girls I drew so much in sixth and seventh grade. I drew men as Sailor Scouts as a parody last year, but that wasn't enough to quench my desires, haha.

Note, these are just sketches to have fun. I want to use better poses for the final drawings. And I probably messed up on some outfit details since I drew from memory. Please forgive my errors!

Sailor Pluto. She was too mysterious to be a favorite of mine, but I'm still determined to show her gorgeous side. But maybe I'll still use this cute face in the final?

Sailor Neptune. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to make her so scary.

These are my two least favorite Senshi (#10 and #9.) Who are my #8 and #7? The countdown continues later!

Sketchbook - Owl Uncles and Grandparents

More of my owls this time!

Clockwise from upper-left. Unkle Jobob, the hillbilly brother of Mr. Fluffy Feathers. He enjoys whiskey, women, and pulling pranks. Though that may sound scary, he's the most open and friendly of all the owls. Not that the other owls aren't friendly, just that they don't have the warm familiarity (even with strangers) as Unkle Jobob.

Next is Uncle Theo(dore.) He's the older brother of Mr. Fluffy Feathers and Unkle Jobob (but not the oldest, who I'll get to later.) He's the scholar, majoring in computers and minoring in hugs (and apparently has the side talent of acrobatics.) Seriously, I just place him in front of my computer when it's acting up and he usually works it out for me. Or intimidates my computer. Or my computer thinks I'm pathetic and feels pity and humors me. Anyway, he may look gruff and serious, but he's actually kind and gentle and proves he took his studying seriously.

The last two hootlets are Gretchen (bottom right) and Micki (bottom left.) Gretchen looks a lot like a miniature version of her mother, Lilith. Gretchen is one of the quieter hootlets, a bit of a bookworm, but she does show a little rebellious streak when she sneaks off with her boyfriend, a yeti.

Micki is sweet, friendly, and flamboyant. But he's also the one most picked on by his siblings. Odin and Ludwig are the least likely to tease him and most likely to allow him to tag along (Odin likes adventure buddies and Ludwig likes someone willing to be his magic apprentice.)

The grandparents! First, Lilith's parents...

Foagie is stern, grumpy, and scary. He tolerates his grandhootlets as long as they are quiet and waddle obediently behind him.

Irma is the kind of grandmother with an endless nest of hugs and treats.

Grandma Lori V and Grandpa Barney are Mr. Fluffy Feathers' parents. Lori V always looks like she woke up on the wrong side of the nest, but she's just a wild grandma. Unkle Jobob gets his loud friendliness from her. Barney, however, is a pretty doctor/graphic designer. My mom accuses him of being too pretty and thinks Lori V trapped him. Mr. Fluffy Feathers takes after him them most. The rest of the von Hoo brothers share characteristics of both parents.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

State of the Projects - September 2012

Okay, I'm still not ready to upload more stuff. I'm still trying to get the sketchbooks ready to scan before I work on longer, more developed, but easier-to-scan-in-not-my-scanner pieces. I will upload more stuff in September. But now (Tuesday) I must get off due to busy-ness and encroaching possibly-dangerous storms. I'm not sure if I'll be online by the first, that is why I'm updating this pathetic thing right now. I should add a category for my sketchbook. It might actually make me look like I'm doing something.

Not so hidden note to Rica: Check The Dark Writers Drafts. You like? :)

(I think Meshia might like it too, but she's not in the secret club and will have to wait for me to fill in the writing part of that post. XD )

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.

2.) Minervellas - Nothing.

3.) Power Warp - Nothing.

4.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) QT Crawlies - Nothing.

2.) Optimizzy - Nothing.

3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing.

4.) Hobo Story - Nothing.

5.) Zodiac - Nothing.

6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.

7.) Mervscorn - Nothing.

8.) Birds - Nothing.

9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.

10.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.

11.) Random/Original Art - Nothing.

12.) Pantheon - Nothing.

13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.

14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.

15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.

16.) Tutorials - Nothing.

Friday, August 24, 2012

WIP - Jobob and Fluffy Feathers

More February-ish 2011 WIPs. My owls have an ongoing narrative, backstories, family trees, and evolving personalities. They've become close friends like my other characters, except since they have plush avatar bodies, I can talk to them and cuddle with them and pet them - interaction I can't have with, say, the crew of Power Warp (they would be even more disturbed if I could, though. I don't think they've forgiven me for some of the situations I've drawn them in.)

Also, the plush avatars make it easy for my family to play along and contribute to their personalities and backstories (and thus, Odin went from emo to free-spirited adventurer. He still has relapses, though.)

This closeness has made them seem like people (a good sign for fictional characters.) So I've imagined what they would look like as humans. These first tries don't quite capture their personalities as I wanted, but I've been sketching revisions (also not perfect, but better.)

Unkle Jobob turned out best by far of these first tries. He was the first one I drew, too. Probably because even when I got him I had a clear, strong personality in mind for him. He is so cute!

Mr. Fluffy Feathers looks too waifish here. I think I got the "gentle gentleman" character down, but the drawing itself is missing volume. Bigger paper might also fix that when I redraw it. Or I just have to focus more.

WIP - Xerxes and Caeser Valentines

I better start posting these since I've been "absent" from the Internet (from publishing much, that is.) I still need to draw and scan more WIPs. I've been concentrating on sketches lately. These WIPs are actually pretty old, from early 2011 (February-ish.) But I'm desperate for stuff to post, so here we go!

I only finished two of my 2011 Power Warp Valentine's pictures (one being Derrot and the other being a comical Caeser/Derrot pairing since it got the most votes.) Have two more.

For some reason I tried to go with fanservice with most of them. I should save that for the beach scenes and go for a more classy look for my "2012" revisions. I mean, Xerxes looks okay topless, but a suit would be more appropriate.

Caeser is supposed to look silly, but the toplessness is making me facepalm. I guess this would look better colored. Still, like Xerxes, I'd like to put him in a suit.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

State of the Projects - August 2012

August already! (Alliteration... yay?!) So what happened here? Seriously? I was doing so well, then it was just sketches, plotting, and inks. I kept coming up with plans for other stories and art, so I had to keep thinking, "okay, maybe this can be for NANO 2012" or "wait until 2013!" Yes, I still stubbornly want to stick to my 2012 to-do lists. I'm pretty sure none of you will believe me if I say this month will be the month I get my act together. So I'll just have to prove it to you!

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.

2.) Minervellas - Nothing.

3.) Power Warp - Nothing.

4.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) QT Crawlies - Inks. About seven.

2.) Optimizzy - Nothing.

3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing.

4.) Hobo Story - Nothing.

5.) Zodiac - Nothing.

6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.

7.) Mervscorn - Nothing.

8.) Birds - Nothing.

9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.

10.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.

11.) Random/Original Art - Nothing.

12.) Pantheon - Nothing.

13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.

14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.

15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.

16.) Tutorials - Nothing.

Friday, July 13, 2012

WIP - Self Portraits 2010 and 2011

The following drawings were done in 2010 or 2011, so too recent for me to put in "Derrotic Ruins." And since I intend to re-draw them, they fit as "WIPs." They would have been posted a long time ago, if I weren't so reluctant to color. But over time I began to think I could do better and that I would want to post a more current drawing for what I intended them for.

This was for a self-portrait that I wanted to make a new avatar from. But my fang is on the wrong side. I think I was going to be sitting on a chair, but I incorporated Sayu the owl into my drawing instead. Next time I make an avatar, it will either be just an owl or my head and maybe an owl. I'mm leaning toward just my portrait so it doesn't become too crowded.

A possible manself. One of my deviantART friends was in a manself kick and I agreed to make one, too. But I couldn't settle on one I liked. This is the most recent attempt (late 2010/early 2011), the past ones are probably trashed. I still don't like this one. I'm kind of short and baby-faced, so I'd probably be a short, boyish man, too. But maybe I have a little inner-man in me, because I feel inferior looking at such portrayals, LOL. I'd want to be a taller (or at least slightly below average height, maybe 5'8") guy! Not look like a twelve year old, as I often seem as a girl. I'd want to look good in a suit. So next time, I might have my manself wear a polo shirt or a suit and be taller. This picture just looks like current me if I taped my boobies and lifted weights more (though I already have kind of big arms.) I even dress like that sometimes, except substitute the tank top with a T-shirt.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sketchbook - QT Crawlies Butterflies 1

Since I finished re-drawing 2010 and 2011's QT Crawlies and am now in the process of inking them, I've had to start coming up with new ones. I have a set allotment for this year, so I'll have time for the other projects, but there's just so many I want to draw. Just in Family Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) there's so many! I'll have to make a list and save the surplus for 2013. But here, have some butterflies!

The elegant Hairstreak! There are many types of Hairstreak throughout the world, but the one that resembles my drawing really catches my attention!

The Metalmark. Metal makes me think of rock stars and the future. Hence this character design.

Sketchbook - Water Based Ogres

More ugly ogre-things while I finish more QT Crawlies and mermaid sketches!

Frog-based? It sits on lily pads like a hairy poop and eats by collecting nutrients in its snot. It lowers its snot into the water, then sniffles it up. Like fishing!

An anthro fire hydrant. It has large reserves of water in its body. Actually, it's mostly just a huge bag of water. With built-in fish bowls! Oh, and grass grows on its skin due to the moisture.

It better watch out for doggies!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

State of the Projects - July 2012

This past month has been coupled with new-found productivity and alarming computer issues. First a word about the computer issues.

1. My art program (Paint Shop Pro 9) picks and chooses which files it will save, and has become progressively worse. To save a file that won't save, I have to copy and paste it in a new canvas and save it as a different name. If it tries to save over the 0 KB file it created during the failed save, it is disallowed from saving over the file. And a strange .tmp file is created during the failed save as well, like Sav80B.tmp, for example. I never had this issue pre-recovery disk. It does not appear memory related, as I can have one or two or no browsers open and it will still randomly happen. I have bad luck uninstalling things (why do programs have to act like tick bites?) so I'm wary of uninstalling and re-installing.

2. Errors with applications happen during shut down. Also, a post-recovery disk issue. The applications dealing with my wireless is the usual victim, having a "not responding" or "must close" message after I try shutting down my computer. One time such an error message (for a different application) popped up during the blue shut down screen!

3. Hard drive stalls during shut down. Two times already my laptop has needed its power button held in to turn it off because the hard drive will just stop in the middle of the blue shut down screen. You know, freezes. The computer seems alright upon start up the next time, but the manual shut downs could be killing it slowly.

* For a rant, see bottom of post.

So these issues have made using the computer an unpleasant chore for me. I don't know if my computer will turn on, or especially turn off. I don't know if the Internet or hard drive will go all wonky. I don't know if I'll be able to save the art I've spent so much time on (even if I saved constantly, my old program can only copy layers singly or merged. So I would lose layers every time I pasted into another canvas to save.) I've come to dread the days I've picked to use the computer, even though I know I have art to scan, writing to type, messages to respond to, and news and blogs to read. And I just can't enjoy using it while I worry.

So my new viewpoint is this: "Every computer day could be my last." (Or at least, for a long time since it could take months, even a year, to afford a new computer, even if I'm lucky enough to land a job soon. Because I want a computer that will last another six years and I'll need to upgrade my tablet, scanner, and art program to go with the current operating system.) So with that "deadline perspective" in mind, I'm trying to make the most of every computer day. Inked art, comic pages, blog posts, updates to my Google Docs (for certain people), and answering messages will be crammed in every week as I play "how long is my computer going to last." and it starts now, go go Go GO!

Oh, and I'm going to forget about digital coloring for now unless there's a good reason. I'm going to focus on sketching, drawing, inking, and scanning as much as possible, still following the order of the list of major and minor projects (with exceptions if certain paper is in the way of my stacks. Then I'll do those projects first.) Anything I was going to color before showing people (like the Hobo Story)... well, I guess I won't be for now. I'll have to upload it in black and white first. If I finish my to-do list for the year, then I might slowly color, if my computer still works. But otherwise, I'll probably wait for a new computer. I will still traditionally color some stuff. It's sad that these are the circumstances upon which I get more active, especially after the year started out okay. But hopefully this will all end well, and maybe the last month or two of the year will be colorful?

Two months of work a month now to stay on track, right?

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - One calendar page and part of a comic panel with other panels blocked in.

2.) Minervellas - Nothing.

3.) Power Warp - Nothing.

4.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) QT Crawlies - All 21 previous WIPs redrawn.

2.) Optimizzy - Nothing.

3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing.

4.) Hobo Story - Nothing.

5.) Zodiac - Nothing.

6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.

7.) Mervscorn - Sketches.

8.) Birds - Nothing.

9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.

10.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.

11.) Random/Original Art - Nothing.

12.) Pantheon - Nothing.

13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.

14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.

15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.

16.) Tutorials - Nothing.

* This doesn't apply to most of the people that probably read this blog. Heck, it might not apply to any of my readers, since this is mostly for random people I've come across. But I have to rant a bit. Just in case someone thinks all these computer problems are easy fixes and I'm just coming up with excuses or have no idea what I'm doing, well, three things:

1.) I'm not computer illiterate. I've been using computers since I was three and I was probably one of the few elementary school students at my school that could operate MS-DOS. And I've learned from a very knowledgeable person throughout my life about troubleshooting and computer care. Sometimes I have my "blonde moments" but I'm not an idiot.

2.) Not every computer problem is a virus. And I'm very careful with my surfing. Just like washing one's hands often during cold and flu season, I know how to avoid most malware nasties. I don't torrent/P2P download or go to shady sites. I don't open suspicious attachments, even from people I do know. I use AdBlock after being bitten once by a trustworthy site with a bad ad in rotation. I have anti-virus running (I've had various ones in the past, but now use Avast. Thanks, Meshia!) ... again, I'm not an idiot. None of my computer's current problems have given me indication that I have a virus or other malware. And I've run scans anyway (after Avast blocked an infected script on a blog... this happened after the computer problems started, by the way.) No virus.

3.) My computer is old. Six years old. 1 GB RAM, Windows XP, no upgrades to the original hardware. It's going to need to be replaced soon anyway, as it increasingly becomes hard to use in this current technological landscape. After accounting for all the parts that may need replacing, I might as well get a new computer that will last another six years (I love you, Toshiba.) I'm thankful it continues to hang on to life for me and we've been through a lot together, but yeah, no amount of programs is going to fix my poor old computer. What will happen if I download a dozen different anti-virus and registry cleaning programs? Will they find a virus? Will they make my computer run faster with no errors? Probably not. I'd be lucky if the poor thing ran in any usable manner.

So please, if someone knows an exact fix, by all means, let me know. But I'm not impressed and very frustrated by the people that shoot out general condescending commonsense comments. I know some people feel they have to say those comments because there are a lot of people that really have no idea about computers. But to always assume everyone is a moron... that's not very nice. Unless someone is obviously trying to hurt you or doing something wrong, maybe assuming the best instead of the worst of people would be the best idea?)

Friday, June 8, 2012

WIP - Hellhoney Calendar

Finally, I've been getting some stuff done this merry June. I've drawn a QT Crawlie, finished one of the two below drawings, and finished drawing a huge commission project of many parts (which had better be colored, by the time you're reading this!)

I've had this one drawn since January. The perspective is horrible and this time I can't say the sofa is just turned, right? The side wall looks like it's on a whole other viewing plane and I don't know how to fix it. Help? This is supposed to be the January page of the calendar...

...While this will be the February page. Nicolina at full power (yay, muscles!!) I had this blocked out for awhile, but I finally hammered out the rest of her body shape and that daunting outfit this past weekend.

Friday, June 1, 2012

State of the Projects - June 2012

Well, crap. First of all, I'm writing this on Sunday night/Monday morning and scheduling this to be posted on June 1st. This month was busy in sketches and toward the end, higher duties (i.e. commissions.) I may yet get more done during May, but since I am unsure of getting online on or before Friday the 1st, I'll just count anything done on the 29th, 30th, and 31st as part of the next State of the Projects. I was going to try very hard on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to get even a little bit of my own stuff done in between other busy bits, but Thursday may be stormy and I want to keep my word on something. Also, someone said something to me on Sunday that incensed me. But since I'm using the computer now (Monday), I do expect to still try to get something done on busy Tuesday and Wednesday, stormy Thursday, and I-don't-know Friday. So be prepared for this weekend! (Or not, I may just be looking at the same blocked in stuff, plus extra blocked in stuff, but let's think happy thoughts.)

+Major Projects+

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.
2.) Minervellas - Nothing.
3.) Power Warp - Nothing.
4.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.

+Minor Projects+

1.) QT Crawlies - Nothing.
2.) Optimizzy - Nothing.
3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing.
4.) Hobo Story - Nothing.
5.) Zodiac - Nothing.
6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.
7.) Mervscorn - Nothing.
8.) Birds - Nothing.
9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.
10.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.
11.) Random Original Art - Nothing.
12.) Pantheon - Nothing.
13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.
14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.
15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.
16.) Tutorials - Nothing.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sketchbook - Eel and Penguin

More "mermaids"! There's going to be a lot of these (over a dozen.)

The Eel. The opposite of the Whale. She's the meanie, as shown by the upturned nose.

The Penguin. Yup, even birds can be mermaids in my series, as long as they live in or spend time near/on water! I hope I didn't make her look too young. Some of these animals only allow for petite "mermaids." Anyway, I guess she could be chubbier since penguins are so cute and cuddly due to their roundness?

Sketchbook - Mermaid, Capricorn, and Whale

So I had an idea for drawing various "non-fish" mermaids in late 2010. I was thinking about entering a comic contest (but I ended up not entering, obviously), and I thought various female/sea creatures would have the right amount of marketability (and fan service) while still being weird enough for me. Then later I read that Meshia was going to do a similar series. So I'm really looking forward to seeing how we tackle the similar concept differently!

In addition to a comic, I have watercolors planned for each mermaid. But here are sketches for now.

The Mermaid and Capricorn. I just recycled one of the mermaids from my Mermayds vs. Unicorns series. And Capricorn, the trash-eating sea goat from my Zodiac series.

The Whale. I tried to make her pleasantly curvy instead of fat. And her hairstyle is meant to resemble water spouting from a blowhole.

Sketchbook - Helen and Karen

Finally, the last of the main Minervellas characters!

Helen is pretty much the generic doll-type. But I hope her upturned nose and mouth shape make her a little unique. Or at least mouth shape. I imagine all bullies and snobs with upturned noses, something that will become more apparent as more of my drawings are uploaded.

Karen. It was really hard drawing her as I imagined her partly because I didn't have much of a concrete image of her in my mind. She was a concept. I almost forgot to make her hair wavy and I debated whether or not to give her small twin tails on top. But I'm satisfied with the result. She looks cute and sweet to me, which fits her concept.

Sketchbook - Chicken Legged Trolls

The more I drew of this series, the more I took glee in drawing them rather than drawing to let out my stress (like doodles out of control!) Results. This is great therapy, apparently.

This started out by thinking of fried chicken and how gross it looks. And how thighs sometimes look like human legs (some people have such skinny legs below the knee, that they look like they have chicken legs.) Then I thought of a hybrid, where the chicken legs just sort of rotate on an axis like a children's toy. The teddy bear and the nose picking came later when I saw how the arms were turning out (originally it was going to be sucking its thumb.) Then I drew a close-up of the bear covered in armpit sweat, because armpit sweat is hilarious.

This creature has a buddy. And it's not me.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sketchbook - Ugly Faced Ogres

When I get upset, I need some sort of catharsis so the negativity doesn't sit inside of me and mess up my tempo. Sometimes Pokemon is the needed vacuum for my stress. But I have exiled myself from video games until I make a large dent in my goals. So the next best thing... drawing. Ever since elementary school, I would draw exaggerations of the people that stressed me out. I stopped doing that sometime in high school. Around the time I started scanning in a lot of stuff (since it would be trouble scanning in mean pictures of people, and I wanted attention for my art, I guess. The mean pictures were private drawings I wouldn't and couldn't upload.) Then I started drawing my stressers in a more general manner, situations instead of individual people. Or metaphors. But recently, I just wanted to draw something ugly to express my stress. I tried to come up with the most repulsive things ever. I'd start with a snout or a blob and work from there. Here are the results:

The first drawing. An ogre. The hair growing in random places became a theme for this series. These creatures don't seem to have a gender either, as they are just general depictions of grossness and negativity, which both genders are capable of.

Based on the ears and the sea bubble-ish curly hair, this one probably looks like a mermaid in full. Just with a hundred times more pus.

Sketchbook - MM20XX Daughters

Since fanart is something that keeps me drawing and experimenting without botching my own projects, I have a comic strip in the works involving a future Morning Musume. Just four-panel silliness, nothing elaborate like my main comics. It will be once a month, but I have January to May to catch up on, so there might be a bunch at first. Anyway, part of the cast:

This girl is meant to be Reina's future daughter in the comic. She's even more "yankee" than her mom and gives the other members a hard time.

And Yuko's adopted daughter. (I came up with this before Yuko had the surprise engagement and subsequent marriage.) She follows Reina's daughter around and is actually very sweet and shy. Maybe Yuko can finally teach her to stand up for herself? (As in, have a character that is strong on its own and not just going along with her friend.)

I originally came up with the idea for this comic in November/December 2010, when I was eagerly awaiting the results of the first Morning Musume audition in four years. I didn't realize that the tenth generation this past fall would produce two similar characters, Kuduu and Masaki! I must make them different some how...

This felt creepy to create, though. At least these two characters. Fan-fiction based on real people is generally in creepy territory for me (or just for lulz.) But idols (also like pro-wrestlers and Miley Cyrus) are kind of special cases since they portray an image of themselves, a stage character, and not necessarily their true selves. I just hope the thought of these characters doesn't offend fans (or at least not the majority. There will always be people offended by anything.) I thought it would be neat if there were relatives of former members in a future Morning Musume. And this comic will definitely not be something to take seriously... it will be a gag and parody strip.