Friday, July 13, 2012

WIP - Self Portraits 2010 and 2011

The following drawings were done in 2010 or 2011, so too recent for me to put in "Derrotic Ruins." And since I intend to re-draw them, they fit as "WIPs." They would have been posted a long time ago, if I weren't so reluctant to color. But over time I began to think I could do better and that I would want to post a more current drawing for what I intended them for.

This was for a self-portrait that I wanted to make a new avatar from. But my fang is on the wrong side. I think I was going to be sitting on a chair, but I incorporated Sayu the owl into my drawing instead. Next time I make an avatar, it will either be just an owl or my head and maybe an owl. I'mm leaning toward just my portrait so it doesn't become too crowded.

A possible manself. One of my deviantART friends was in a manself kick and I agreed to make one, too. But I couldn't settle on one I liked. This is the most recent attempt (late 2010/early 2011), the past ones are probably trashed. I still don't like this one. I'm kind of short and baby-faced, so I'd probably be a short, boyish man, too. But maybe I have a little inner-man in me, because I feel inferior looking at such portrayals, LOL. I'd want to be a taller (or at least slightly below average height, maybe 5'8") guy! Not look like a twelve year old, as I often seem as a girl. I'd want to look good in a suit. So next time, I might have my manself wear a polo shirt or a suit and be taller. This picture just looks like current me if I taped my boobies and lifted weights more (though I already have kind of big arms.) I even dress like that sometimes, except substitute the tank top with a T-shirt.


  1. Nooooooooooooo! Don't step on the owl! :P 'Tis cute though. (Why are we so afraid to color?!)

    The legs on YO MAN SELF are a bit awkward. The one on the left doesn't seem long enough.
    Is that...*squints* a Pokemon tank top? o.O

    1. I've rolled over on my owls many times. They're quite resilient... but I know that if I did step on them, I'd definitely be kissing and hugging and apologizing and getting strange looks from my family! XD Thanks! (And as for coloring. It's tedious and long and forces you to look at the same thing that you've already had the fun of drawing for hours more when you could be working on newer, cooler stuff... it makes a work seem more finished, but the preparation makes me anxious - so I procrastinate - and the actual process makes me so bored.)

      Yeah, the straight leg looks too short even though less T-shirt is covering it. The other leg is supposed to be lower and explain why it stretches out farther, but I totally goofed up. But I'll be redrawing it with a (hopefully) better pose later on. ^^

      And yup, it's a Pokemon tank top. It's based on an old official desktop wallpaper rather than an actual shirt design.

    2. Our plushies should meet. Just think of the (unintentional) abuse they could gab about!
      UGH. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I want to get things done, yet my mind won't let me. It probably has something to do with those long plan lists we have hovering over our heads. We feel that we must get through them.
      Yeah, and there's the boredom. It doesn't hit me quite as bad. I mainly have trouble when I stop for more than a few days; that's almost a guarantee that whatever I'm working on will be put in a pile. ;_; *coughAlexiel/Jibrilcough*

      DRAW NOW! *cracks whip*

      Are they the three original starter Pokemon? Aaaaah, I remember those times, all the way back in 1999.

      SO. OLD.

    3. That would be amazing. And I could imagine what our parents would say, two people in their mid-twenties playing with their stuffed animals together! :'D

      Yeah, it's like "where do I start?" And then I start from a corner. Then realize there is something else that needs to be done more. Stuff is piled on the WIP and I have to work to rescue it. But it gets piled under more and more stuff. ;_;

      Yes! Or at least, after I get some sleep.

      Yup! Would you feel less old if you played the new games? 8D
