Friday, August 24, 2012

WIP - Jobob and Fluffy Feathers

More February-ish 2011 WIPs. My owls have an ongoing narrative, backstories, family trees, and evolving personalities. They've become close friends like my other characters, except since they have plush avatar bodies, I can talk to them and cuddle with them and pet them - interaction I can't have with, say, the crew of Power Warp (they would be even more disturbed if I could, though. I don't think they've forgiven me for some of the situations I've drawn them in.)

Also, the plush avatars make it easy for my family to play along and contribute to their personalities and backstories (and thus, Odin went from emo to free-spirited adventurer. He still has relapses, though.)

This closeness has made them seem like people (a good sign for fictional characters.) So I've imagined what they would look like as humans. These first tries don't quite capture their personalities as I wanted, but I've been sketching revisions (also not perfect, but better.)

Unkle Jobob turned out best by far of these first tries. He was the first one I drew, too. Probably because even when I got him I had a clear, strong personality in mind for him. He is so cute!

Mr. Fluffy Feathers looks too waifish here. I think I got the "gentle gentleman" character down, but the drawing itself is missing volume. Bigger paper might also fix that when I redraw it. Or I just have to focus more.

WIP - Xerxes and Caeser Valentines

I better start posting these since I've been "absent" from the Internet (from publishing much, that is.) I still need to draw and scan more WIPs. I've been concentrating on sketches lately. These WIPs are actually pretty old, from early 2011 (February-ish.) But I'm desperate for stuff to post, so here we go!

I only finished two of my 2011 Power Warp Valentine's pictures (one being Derrot and the other being a comical Caeser/Derrot pairing since it got the most votes.) Have two more.

For some reason I tried to go with fanservice with most of them. I should save that for the beach scenes and go for a more classy look for my "2012" revisions. I mean, Xerxes looks okay topless, but a suit would be more appropriate.

Caeser is supposed to look silly, but the toplessness is making me facepalm. I guess this would look better colored. Still, like Xerxes, I'd like to put him in a suit.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

State of the Projects - August 2012

August already! (Alliteration... yay?!) So what happened here? Seriously? I was doing so well, then it was just sketches, plotting, and inks. I kept coming up with plans for other stories and art, so I had to keep thinking, "okay, maybe this can be for NANO 2012" or "wait until 2013!" Yes, I still stubbornly want to stick to my 2012 to-do lists. I'm pretty sure none of you will believe me if I say this month will be the month I get my act together. So I'll just have to prove it to you!

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.

2.) Minervellas - Nothing.

3.) Power Warp - Nothing.

4.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) QT Crawlies - Inks. About seven.

2.) Optimizzy - Nothing.

3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing.

4.) Hobo Story - Nothing.

5.) Zodiac - Nothing.

6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.

7.) Mervscorn - Nothing.

8.) Birds - Nothing.

9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.

10.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.

11.) Random/Original Art - Nothing.

12.) Pantheon - Nothing.

13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.

14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.

15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.

16.) Tutorials - Nothing.