Wednesday, August 1, 2012

State of the Projects - August 2012

August already! (Alliteration... yay?!) So what happened here? Seriously? I was doing so well, then it was just sketches, plotting, and inks. I kept coming up with plans for other stories and art, so I had to keep thinking, "okay, maybe this can be for NANO 2012" or "wait until 2013!" Yes, I still stubbornly want to stick to my 2012 to-do lists. I'm pretty sure none of you will believe me if I say this month will be the month I get my act together. So I'll just have to prove it to you!

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - Nothing.

2.) Minervellas - Nothing.

3.) Power Warp - Nothing.

4.) Toilet Spawn - Nothing.

Minor Projects

1.) QT Crawlies - Inks. About seven.

2.) Optimizzy - Nothing.

3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing.

4.) Hobo Story - Nothing.

5.) Zodiac - Nothing.

6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.

7.) Mervscorn - Nothing.

8.) Birds - Nothing.

9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.

10.) Pin-Up Calendars - Nothing.

11.) Random/Original Art - Nothing.

12.) Pantheon - Nothing.

13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.

14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing.

15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing.

16.) Tutorials - Nothing.


  1. *pumps pom poms* C'mon, you can dooooooooooo it!


    Hope to see something soon. *noms on your head* Don't be absent too long.

    1. Have I been doing better lately? :D

      I'm trying not to be absent, it just appears that way when I chicken out and don't post anything. ;_;

    2. Yus, you have. Which I find interesting, considering my own predicament. :P I'll make a comment about it in my next post, since I mention "Opposites." Confused by that jabber? Sorry. 8D

      *does the same* Maybe talking to each other in real time will help us get more done and post something, anything. That way we can scream at each other immediately when we slack off. (Yeah, and our families will wonder why we're acting like banshees and consider the relationship unhealthy.)

    3. I -am- a bit confused, but since you'll explain later, I'll wait for it. :3

      It might help us get more done... I gotta clean off my desk if I'm going to work while talking. XD I've got these little rituals I do with my computer, so I don't think I'd be scanning and posting in real time, though (with my scanner hooked up, there's no place or sit or draw, depending on where I place it. So I usually get the scanning done at one point early in the day so I can post later in the day. That's why I usually don't draw on computer days until everything's shut off. There's not much point keeping the computer on.)

      My family would probably scream at me and tell me if I kept screaming, they'd put me outside. D: So if we have to, we scream-whisper. And then they will think we entered the cult of Medusa or something. 8D
