Friday, March 23, 2012

WIP - QT Crawlies 7

Finally, we are to the last batch of QT Crawlies I drew before deciding to start over and redraw them all (and then some) this year.


Hydra. Okay, so this one isn't technically a bug, but my dad suggested it because of the "creepy turned cute creature" concept. (Snakes and scorpions are future possibilities for this series.) The Hydra is like an alien princess because of her microscopic and non-insectoid origin.


Scorpionfly. Some gender bending with this one, but since I lost my notes with the re-imaged laptop, I forgot why the Scorpionfly is the only male in this series (okay, technically some other insects I drew should be male, too...) Something about pretending to be female? Actually, I did write some notes in a notebook with my list of bugs. But all I wrote was "It's a trap! lol" for the Scorpionfly. I must re-research.


Mantis. Oh, the sneaky Mantis... I don't know if there's any significance to making her look like a cat burglar, but I like her outfit nonetheless. I wish I could have a figurine of her, but I hate working with 3D stuff, usually (danger!) Something to aspire to if the project turns out not to be a failure, I guess... licensed merchandise! QT Crawlies the Cereal! QT Crawlies the Fleece Blanket! ... QT Crawlies the Bug Bomb!!

WIP - QT Crawlies 6

Now for some battle bugs and a punk! (Not really.)

Tree Hopper

Tree Hopper. This actually may be my absolute favorite of the series so far. I love my costume design for her (and maybe I love her enough to make cameos of her in my other series?!) And she looks so happy, d'aww. When (and if) I color the redraw, she's going to be quite bright and vividly colored with some of my favorite colors.


Earwig. She and her brethren are shy and like to keep to themselves. But they fail at being ninjas and they are slower than a grandma in rush hour traffic. Nature must take pity on them to allow them to continue their pathetic annoying-ness to this day.


Firefly. Those are supposed to be glowstick bracelets around her wrists.

WIP - QT Crawlies 5

Back again! It really shouldn't take me as long as it does to make these posts considering I had the pictures scanned and ready to upload over a week ago.

Water Strider

Water Strider. These bugs are so cool, especially the extra spiky ones. My poor Water Strider looks like she's missing her butt, though. Regardless, I hope the redraw turns out as cool, because I actually do like how it turned out.

Stink Bug

Stink Bug. I identify with this bug so much. Tacos are cool.

Love Bug

Love Bug. Okay, I know about love bugs, but please dismiss any knowledge of real love bugs when looking at this illustration. They are just twin sisters here! This is supposed to be a family friendly series. Anyway, in Florida, these bugs are such a pain. They make a mess wherever they go (much like birds, but I can forgive birds because they are cuter.)

Friday, March 9, 2012

WIP - QT Crawlies 4

And more! We're halfway through!

Satyrine Butterfly

Satyrine Butterfly. I hope I captured this insect's beautiful trickiness. It's been doing Jedi Mind Tricks before they were cool. "This is not the bug you hunger for."


Cicada. A quiet homebody most of the time, the Cicada throws a wild party during the summer.

Army Ant

Army Ant. I hate ants. They are little imperialists. But army ants have a silly face. Ha, ha.

WIP - QT Crawlies 3

More bugs! This is actually really sad, that I've had so many drawn yet no one has seen them. When I don't post stuff, I wonder what people think I'm doing? (Assuming they think of me at all, heh.) Am I frozen like a robot? Am I goofing off playing Pokemon? (I haven't played my DS for nearly two months, and it wasn't Pokemon.) I want to play Pokemon, though...



Anyway, the bees. Bumblebee carrying pollen and Honeybee with her honeycomb. I noticed with some insects, like the bees and the springtail, the eyes look too Bleach-ish (Honeybee looks too much like a certain semi-recent character.) I'll change that in the redraws.


Aphid. The Aphid was drawn way too small (even though they are quite small, I want these drawings to print well. Oh, she poops love, by the way.

WIP - QT Crawlies 2

I was asked to continue posting the old QT Crawlies drawings that I intend to re-draw. Well, that's perfect because they are easier to post now that I found them all. Things that would have gone in this corner are now lined up to be inked and can be expected shortly.

Parasitic Hedgehog Fly

Parasitic Hedgehog Fly. This is one of my favorites, so spiky and tomboyish. She's munching on the leftover remnants of her host. (If I recall correctly, the flies inject their eggs into the host and the larvae eat the host from the inside out.) Very cool looking insects, though I wouldn't want to get too close to one.


Springtail. So common (and annoying.) But certainly they are much cuter imagined this way?


Lacebug. These bugs are beautiful. And of course beautiful things are stuck-up and sopheeesticated.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

State of the Projects - March 2012

This was another pretty unproductive month of art. I made use of myself with chores, though, so it wasn't as though I was sitting around doing nothing. Okay, there were quite a few days of that. The sixteenth of February, my computer was infected with something nasty (I still have no idea how I got it, how to get rid of it, or what exactly it even is.) Three days were spent trying to fix the computer or prep it for reinstalling Windows. And getting very frustrated and lying in bed, mind racing. And getting depressed because of the dent it put in my art plans and how I can't afford a new computer. I found a System Recovery disc for my computer, so I'm hoping when I use it this weekend, everything will be all right, otherwise it's probably back to saving for a new computer. Until then I'm using a borrowed laptop sparingly, as in this is the second time I've used it since the fiasco.

I can't blame the three days of frustration/depression for all my lack of art to show, though. Uggh... must... keep... busy! Like the comic, I really have to ink and finish the pages, but without my art program to shade and ink it, I lost a little motivation (because I really don't want to post raw pages.)

As I've mentioned on my deviantART, now it's pretty much given I'll never catchy up to my original plans, at least in coloring (even if my computer's well again this weekend, I'm still far behind. If it's not well, it could be months, even a year before I digitally color again.) So I'm taking coloring out of the picture, except for traditional works I had planned. This should make it easier to actually reach some goals this month. But as for my comics... I am concerned. I don't want to use MS Paint to shade and letter. And I need pages sized to specifications. And I don't want to install programs on borrowed or public computers (I may not even be allowed to anyway.) And I don't go to sites I don't trust, especially now. This is such a pickle. I really want to get the comics online as soon as possible, though, so I'm totally crossing my fingers for my computer's recovery!

For the rest, my deviantART may begin to look like a coloring book as I upload lineart. The stuff that gets the most interest will be colored first when I can finally color again. I'll still actually draw and ink the projects in the order of this list, though! Which again has no point system. Darn.

Major Projects

1.) Hellhoney - I drew a calendar page with all the characters.

2.) Minervellas - I drew a sketch of one of the main characters, but that actually fits under my sketching goal rather than a project specific one.

3.) Power Warp - Nothing but thoughts.

4.) Toilet Spawn - Same.

Minor Projects

1.) Optimizzy - Nothing. But I found art I didn't even know that I drew, yay! But that was from last year...

2.) QT Crawlies - Nothing. My reference information was destroyed when I went nuts with the computer. I may have to redraw all the current drawings that I intend to re-draw, then hunt for the library book again (please don't be out of circulation...) to make new notes. Next time I should keep notes on Google Docs...

3.) Random/Silly Calendar - Nothing. Wow, so all I need to do is to ink six drawings to complete my end of March goals for this one now that coloring is out of the picture!

4.) Hobo Story - Nothing. I really wanted to color this digitally, like a children's book. But I guess the beta version will have to be black and white and... I wonder if we can put a Dark Writers watermark on it?

5.) Zodiac - Nothing.

6.) Super Popcorn - Nothing.

7.) Mervscorn - Nothing.

8.) Birds - Nothing.

9.) Plush Owls - Nothing.

10.) Pin-up Calendars - Nothing.

11.) Random Original Art - Nothing.

12.) Pantheon - Nothing.

13.) Playing Cards - Nothing.

14.) Tunnels and Elevators - Nothing. I hope I have a copy of the short story saved somewhere, because the one on my laptop is gone.

15.) I'm a Bug?! - Nothing. Probably need to do the same as with the Hobo Book. Ink and watermark it (somehow) until I can color it. Though I wanted to vector the lineart...

16.) Tutorials - Nothing. Though instead of one on art, maybe I should do one on not freaking out over a broken computer and then read it for myself for the next time I have computer issues.

Even in blogs, I'm so far behind! If not a peep is heard from me this weekend, my computer is probably still infected. In that case, I may have stuff sometime next week to post. I SHOULD have some stuff.