Friday, March 9, 2012

WIP - QT Crawlies 4

And more! We're halfway through!

Satyrine Butterfly

Satyrine Butterfly. I hope I captured this insect's beautiful trickiness. It's been doing Jedi Mind Tricks before they were cool. "This is not the bug you hunger for."


Cicada. A quiet homebody most of the time, the Cicada throws a wild party during the summer.

Army Ant

Army Ant. I hate ants. They are little imperialists. But army ants have a silly face. Ha, ha.


  1. These are all really cute! And your comments on the bugs made me laugh so XD

    1. Thanks! XD I hope the future ones (and the redraws) will be just as entertaining! 8D

  2. "This is not the bug you hunger for."
    *splurts Coke* Hardy har har. >.> *wipes screen* I'm gonna get you for that, you little bugger.

    I love her pose (I like how you draw legs. Mine come out awkward. That's probably why most of my characters/goddesses wear long, flowing robes) TEH SOOOOOOOOOOCKS. <3 Her haircut is adorbs. I think she would be one of the bad-ass fairies in Ferngully, slapping Batty around. 8D

    The Cicada reminds me of a ballerina (its the wings' positions). I like her mood; very calmiiiin...Zzzzzzzzz. And her description is cool and spot-on. XD Makes me wonder what she's hiding behind her back.

    You hate ants? *thinks they're interesting* >.> She doesn't look very happy. Is she meant to look blank? She seems sad almost. Poor, sad little ant. *pat*

    1. Mwahaha! >:3

      I love legs (and arms!) I just wish my expressions wouldn't come out so generic... it's something I need to work on. D: And thank you! :D *huggles*

      (I miss Batty in Ferngully! I haven't seen that movie since the 90's! ;_; )

      Probably holding a butcher knife, all Higurashi-like. 8D

      They aren't so bad in their OWN environment (my feeling toward all living things... invaders aren't cool. If they were invited in, that's alright, though.) But they invade and are all militaristic and hive-mind-ish... really annoying to me. And that little ant is meant to look blank because she's just a nameless peon working for the nest. :C
