Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sketchbook - Ugly Faced Ogres

When I get upset, I need some sort of catharsis so the negativity doesn't sit inside of me and mess up my tempo. Sometimes Pokemon is the needed vacuum for my stress. But I have exiled myself from video games until I make a large dent in my goals. So the next best thing... drawing. Ever since elementary school, I would draw exaggerations of the people that stressed me out. I stopped doing that sometime in high school. Around the time I started scanning in a lot of stuff (since it would be trouble scanning in mean pictures of people, and I wanted attention for my art, I guess. The mean pictures were private drawings I wouldn't and couldn't upload.) Then I started drawing my stressers in a more general manner, situations instead of individual people. Or metaphors. But recently, I just wanted to draw something ugly to express my stress. I tried to come up with the most repulsive things ever. I'd start with a snout or a blob and work from there. Here are the results:

The first drawing. An ogre. The hair growing in random places became a theme for this series. These creatures don't seem to have a gender either, as they are just general depictions of grossness and negativity, which both genders are capable of.

Based on the ears and the sea bubble-ish curly hair, this one probably looks like a mermaid in full. Just with a hundred times more pus.


  1. Have you been able to stay away from the video games thus far? XD

    I can totally see these guys as characters in your comics. If you make the bottom one into a full-fledged mermaid, that would be <3!

    1. I finally turned on my DS for the first time in months the other day because I wanted to make sure it was okay went I gripped it hard trying to save it from falling from my dresser. I want to continue playing in the future and see if that actually improves my art output, though. 8D

      Maybe something for an arc of Hellhoney? And the bottom one could be an honorary mermaid in that particular series if I have enough watercolor paper.
