Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sketchbook - Poupillon la Derriere

Poupillon la Derriere, from Toilet Spawn. Instead of looking cool and action hero-y, she looks pretty scary. Like a late 90's polygonal heroine. The smirk just didn't go well with this sketch. Actually, the whole face is off-center. I should stop drawing on my bed with these large sketchbooks, they become so distorted...

Like here. Even though technically she's the "right" amount of heads tall, she seems absolutely ginormous here. The problem centers on her waist. Cut her in half at the hips, and the two parts aren't so bad. Her legs are too long, though. I mean, she IS supposed to be somewhat Barbie-like, as a satire of girly girls. But I still want her to have (somewhat) realistic proportions. So future drawings of her hopefully won't look like this. But at least this shows off her outfit and hair style properly, the entire purpose of these drawings.


  1. Mentioning how the face is off-center just makes me notice it. I didn't see it at first. :P

    I know you always bug me about small heads, but it's my turn! I measured the limbs and everything seems to be okay. (I measure from elbow-to-fingertip then measure that against waist-to-knee) Maybe the big hair, boobs, and shoes just make her look huge in places?

    1. I'm going to need to keep a close eye on this one in future drawings (before she throws out her back with W cups.) ._. Good thing this was just a sketch so I can learn from it!

      I know some guys find small faces attractive and would probably like the idea of a woman with melons bigger than her head... 8D ... but I every time I look back at those full body drawings I wonder if she's a toilet spawned monster herself. Twist ending? :P
