Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sketchbook - Chicken Legged Trolls

The more I drew of this series, the more I took glee in drawing them rather than drawing to let out my stress (like doodles out of control!) Results. This is great therapy, apparently.

This started out by thinking of fried chicken and how gross it looks. And how thighs sometimes look like human legs (some people have such skinny legs below the knee, that they look like they have chicken legs.) Then I thought of a hybrid, where the chicken legs just sort of rotate on an axis like a children's toy. The teddy bear and the nose picking came later when I saw how the arms were turning out (originally it was going to be sucking its thumb.) Then I drew a close-up of the bear covered in armpit sweat, because armpit sweat is hilarious.

This creature has a buddy. And it's not me.


  1. These are hideous, but I guess that's the point. 8D Thanks a lot. I'm already cautious about fried chicken, but reading your gross description (and the imagery) is almost enough for me to swear it off. Just ew. :P It looks like she has a pimply ass! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. And the arm pit sweat-barf.

    The guy below makes up for it though. I think he's adorbs, despite that neck. (The top one isn't drawn badly; it's actually quite nice. But the backstory is horrible. XD)

    1. Yup, if these ogres gross you out, then I was successful. :P I was feeling pretty disgusted and angry when I drew the ogres, so if those feelings got across, that's great. :D

      That neck is his foot... he just scoots along on it like a snail. 8D But yay, he's really cute? He's probably the gentlest of the bunch so far, so you made a wise choice if you were picking a pet/friend ogre. XD
