Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sketchbook - Dugong and Crab

Iiiiiiit's Mermaid Time!

The dugong. Along with manatees, they inspired the old mermaid tales, so I had to have one of the sea cows represented among my mermaids. (And Meshia is going to draw a manatee mermaid, so I didn't want to copy her.) She's the motherly one among the mermaids.

The crab. She's belligerent, rude, always grumpy and sharp-tongued, and tastes great with butter.

Except I prefer to eat my seafood plain without any butter or sauces because I'm hardcore like that.

1 comment:

  1. You wouldn’t have been copying me anyway. :P I don’t think we’d draw the same manatee.
    How does she maintain that hairstyle in the water? 8D Also, I’m jealous(saying that a lot lately) that you can draw her arms in front of her body without making the shoulders too bulky. D: *is cursed*

    Ms. Crabby’s extremities are really well done. The claws are neat, but I’m really impressed by the legs, and the back ones recede well. <3

    I’m not hardcore like you. I need the sauces. D:
