Monday, September 5, 2011

Hellhoney - The Angel Character Design Sketches

Gaaaah, finally I post again. (Sounds like Deja vu...) It's harder to write these entries because I really don't have much to say about some of the "good" guys... I haven't developed their characters enough/thought about them as much as the main characters.

The Angel

I was giving him a longer face to make him look older, but now he looks like Miya from Buono! Well, that's fine, something else to make fun of the "good" guys about. Though the "horse" face would be more appropriate on another character. Maybe they could be siblings. A Pegasus and a... hmm.

He's a healer as well, but he can throw his halo like a frisbee and play his harp to calm beasts and demons, so he's not entirely useless. He's very much a support character, if he was in an RPG party. He also has wings, which makes him the only aerial member of the "good" guys, and whether that's fortunate or not depends on whether the aerial main characters (the Dragon and the Griffin) are subdued.

The last two "good" guys are probably the most awesome of the bunch, powers and concept-wise. =3


  1. *snerk* The hippie. Well, he certainly has the hippie hair.

    His outfit looks so comfortable. Heck, I'd wear it (the plus-sized version, anyway).

    Hmmm, if you want to make him look older, maybe add some worry lines? Making his face long actually makes him look young, to me. XD Very elfish.

  2. Every story needs a hippie or hobo or both. You are well aware of such a fact. 8D

    It's like a big soft robe! <3 I'd want to cuddle in it when it's cold~

    He is young actually... just relatively older than the rest. Like maybe 19-ish? And he's not the stressful sort... it looks like I'll have to depend on characterization to show his age rather than appearance. ^^
